Friday, December 7, 2018

Diasporatic groups and the rest of us

There are two major Diasporatic peoples who have a major presence in Europe (only one has successfully established its presence in the states as a defined and seperate group) as follows:

-Cultural Jews

These groups are considered Diasporatic for the following reasons

-They are recognized as belonging to their group through multiple factors before geography is even considered
-As a group they do not have a fixed location and there may be tens of generations in time distance since a family belonging to this group was ever based at the geographical origin of their culture
-They are present in a multitude of nations without open conflict, without assimilating and becoming part of the host nation. They are able to exist culturally parallel to the host nations people with varying levels of complicity in the host culture (without a generalized assimilation or surrendering of their own cultural norms)
-In times of strife or rejection, groups belonging to this culture are not only able to relocate but will proactively move to new areas
-Groups belonging to the diaspora may support brother and sister groups based in different nations, possibly in spite of or intentionally to the detriment of their hosts

These two diasporatic groups are both culturally confident as they are able to continue in spite of the hardships they face as a people with no geographical, however they show vastly different levels of cultural development and material success, in part because of the attitude towards and relationships maintained with the static communities they flow through.

-Gypsies are physically, immediately abrasive to the host culture they find themselves in, as they separate themselves from host society, and often adopt a scavenger style of existence which disconnects them morally from static communities. The total lack of integration with host communities, the treatment of law as a parents disciplining hand that is to be fled from or wriggled out of makes destroys any option for trust or cohesion. In the UK it is common to be prejudiced against Gypsy caravan groups and anyone living in proximity to them would be able to sympathize with a dehumanizing comment someone may make about them.

-Cultural Jews have a much more effective relationship with static civilizations which has brought them great success in terms of average wealth, average influence in global politics and national politics, and presence in sought after positions. I believe this is because they adopt a strategy for integration which follows the same principles as interest based lending, in all key aspects of their interactions with static communities. Cultural Jews as a rule place high importance on learning and logical and rhetorical skills in particular that have developed out of their religious concepts and attitudes towards God. A man who believes everything can be bargained for will naturally be skilled at bartering.

 They will thus be able to approach a host community with skills, trades and positive attributes in a diplomatic manner, and any host would wish to be exploit a people who will make him rich, especially in historical Europe where they brought skills that Christians were unable themselves to exercise due to religious constraints. But the interest to be collected after such a great loaning of talent and enterprise, is that the host community now has within it a group of people who may quietly, and seemingly benignly operate in the interests of their own group, in ways that are so subtle that they are often not appreciated until things get out of hand. It is fairly obvious when this happens as it becomes another historical event in which the eternally suffering Israelites yet again are oppressed by the wicked gentile Romans.

 Discrimination without reason is ignorant and discrimination resulting from peer pressure is intellectually lazy, however it is crucial that people can gain an appreciation for the true scale of diversity in culture that covers the world, that does not make people evil but does explain why evil things will happen. A pogrom does not need to happen cleanse the holy lands from usurpers until the wise men ignore the potential consequences of letting every throne of finance, of government, of entertainment or of industry become occupied by a group of people who naturally will identify, sympathize and seek to support their own kind.

 The grievance that former colonial nations hold against the west is that western nations installed their own people in every position of power and as a result the sweat of these nations was used to fulfill the interests of their oppressors. We were never conquered by a vast horde of Jews nor roving bands of tarmac wielding, scrap metal hungry Gypsies yet here we are somehow. Should the current paradigm finally shift and European Nations begin acting in their own interests again, keep a close eye on people like Tommy Robinson. Theres nothing wrong with having Ezra Levant as your mate but never let him work in the media, the finance industry or become a local MP. We'll be up to our arses in Levi's again and all the NPC memes will have been wasted.

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